BÀI TẬP PHẦN II-Từ nối phụ thuộc giới thiệu mệnh đề trạng ngữ

BÀI TẬP PHẦN II-Từ nối phụ thuộc giới thiệu mệnh đề trạng ngữ


Bài tập 1: Use in case or so that to combine the following sentences. (Dùng in case hay so that để nối những câu sau)

1. He killed the men who helped him to bury the treasure. He wanted nobody but himself to know where it was. 2. Put the cork back. Someone may knock the bottle over. 3. The airfield authorities have put lights over the damaged runway. They want repair worker to continue day and night.

4. The girl packed the vase in polyester foam. She didn't want it to get broken in the post.

5. He wore a false beard. He didn't want anyone to recognise him.

6. She built a high wall round her garden. She didn't want her fruit to be stolen.

7. They talked in whispers. They didn't want me to overhear them.

8. You ought to take some serum with you. You may get bitten by a snake.

9. Aeroplanes carry parachutes. The crew can escape in case of fire.

10. I am insuring my life. I want my children to have something to live on if I am killed.

11. Please shut the gate. I don't want the cows to get out of the field.



12. He telephoned from a public call- box. He didn't want the call to be traced to his own address.

13. I am putting nets over my strawberry plants. I don't want the birds to eat all the strawberries.

14. We keep a spade in the house. There may be a heavy fall of snow in the night.

15. We put bars on the lower windows. We didn't want anyone to climb in.

16. You should carry a jack in your car. You may be have a puncture.

17. We built the roof with a steep lope. We wanted the snow to slide off easily.

18. The notices are written in several languages. The

government wants everyone to understand them.

19. I put my address on my dog's collar. I want anyone who finds him to know where he comes from.

20. She tied a bell round her cat's neck. She wanted the birds to know when he was approaching.

21. Bring your gun with you. We may be attacked.

22. I have put wire over my chimney-pots. I don't want birds to build nests in them.

23. Write your name in the book. He may forget who lent it for him.

24. He chained up the lioness at night. He didn't want her to frighten anyone.

25. Don't put on any more coal. The chimney may catch fire.


26. The burglar cut the telephone wires. He didn't want me

to call the police.

27. Take a torch with you. It may be dark before you

get back.

28. The manufacturers have made up the taps of their new

gas cooker very stiff. They don't want young children

to be able to turn them on.

29. Don't let the baby play with my glasses. He may

break them.

30. The debate on education has been postponed. The

government want to discuss the latest crisis.

31. If someone knocks at the door at night, don't open it. It

may be the escaped convict.

32. The policeman stopped the traffic every few minutes.

He wanted the pedestrians to be able to across the road.

33. He had a telephone installed in his car. He wanted his

secretary to be able contact him whenever necessary.

34. Never let children play with matches. They may set

themselves on fire.

35. As he went through the forest, Bill marked the trees.

He wanted the rest of the party to know which way we

had gone.

36. Turn down the oven. We don't want the meat to burn

while we are out.

Bài tập 2: Replace but by although. (Thay thế but bằng


1. I will do it but it may be difficult.

2. I will come but perhaps it will be late.


3. The patient will recover but he may not be able to live

a very active life.

4. He came as soon as he could but it was not in time. 5. I am poor but I am honest.

Bài tập 3: Replace the clause with unless by one with if. (Thay mệnh đề với unless bằng mệnh đề với if)

1. Unless you boil the water, the tea will not be good. 2. I will call you unless you telephone to tell me not to do so.

3. That picture will not good unless you stop using so much red in it.

4. Unless you write to me, I will not write to you again. 5. Unless the tooth is painful, you will not need to go to the dentist's at once.

Bài tập 4: Classify the subbodinating clauses in the following sentences. (Phân loại những mệnh đề phụ trong những câu dưới đây).

1. When we arrived at the football field, the game had started.

2. I am standing where I can see the game.

3. Don't handle those cups as if they were made of iron.

4. They went swimming although the sea was rough. 5. We shall play the match even though it is rather foggy. 6. As it is already late, we had better go.

7. Don't give a definite answer till you get a letter from me.

8. If the river were not so deep, we could cross it.



9. The car moved slowly because the motor was not

working well.

10. It took us much more time than we expected. 11. We ran down the hill as quickly as we could.

12. The night was so dark that he lost his way.

13. Since you resist on it, I shall go there right away.

14. If my car hadn't broken down, I should have catch the train.

15. Wherever you go, he will not forget you.

Bài tập 5: Rewrite or combine the following sentences, using the promts given in brackets. (Viết lại hoặc kết hợp nhiều câu dưới đây dùng từ gợi ý)

1. Kenneth is often very naughty and rude. His mother loves him very much. (although)

2. The radio doesn't work properly. Some of the parts are missing. (because)

3. Anand took the parcel to the office. He rerurned home after that. (after)

4. It was raining heavily. We had to cancel the ship to Sentosa. (since)

5. The robber tied Mrs Liu up. She could not run away. (so that)

6. Gongyun dislikes the idea. She can suggest another one. (if)

7. Samuel arrived late at the party. His car stalled on the way there. (because)



8. Mr Fu has lost all his money. He is still happy and contented. (although)

9. I jog three times a week. I want to stay healthy.(order) 10. No matter where we go on holiday, she never likes it. (wherever)

11. It doesn't matter how hard Mr Mike tries, he cannot pass the driving test. (however)

12. I am going to buy a computer. I haven't got much money. (even though)

13. They were in a hurry. They forgot many things when packing their luggage. (so... that).

14. If he succeeds in obtaining a loan from the bank, his problems will be solved. (unless)

15. I love chocolates but I am on a diet. I just have one (although, so... that)

16. He wore fasle beard. He didn't want anybody to recognise him. (so that).

17. The people on the bridge saw the two men with the ass. They began to run after them. They began to laugh, too. (when...and)

18. You can go out, but you must finish your homework. (provided)

19. I whispered. I didn't want anybody to hear our conversation. (in order that)

20. I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years. (since) 21. He speaks so slowly. His students get bored. (so... that)

22. He kept making angry comments during the reading of the radio news. (while)



Bài tập 6: Do the following exercises. (Làm các bài tập dưới đây).

1. Make these two sentences into one using the conjunction "because":

The Harrisons were having a party.

Their daughter was getting engaged.

2. Link these sentences using the conjunction "since": Marie could not walk in the rain.

Her clothes were not suitable.

3. Link these sentences using the conjunction "so that": Noone could see her.

Marie hid under a blanket.

4. Link these sentences using the conjunction "as": The knocking continued all night.

Marie could not sleep.

Bài tập 7: Choose the correct answer. (Chọn đáp án



..it was raining, I didn't get wet.

A - Although

B - Because

2. Jun couldn't buy any Christmas presents,

didn't have any money.


A - even though

B - because


my wife likes to travel abroad, I prefer to stay at

home for my vacations.

A - Whereas

4. Jerry passed the exam first time,

retake it three times.

A - as

B- Since

I had to

B- while


5. I will be late today,


A- because

my car has broken down. B-though

Mei Li doesn't speak English, she can't go to

university in Canada.

A - Whereas

7. Paula got the job, A-as

8. I don't drink coffee,

A - as


she had no experience. B - even though

it makes me nervous

B - although

Bài tập 8: Combining the following sentences, using the given conjunctions. (Nối các câu sau đây, sử dụng những từ nối cho sẵn).

1. I took my umbrella. It was raining. (as)

2. Some apples are red. Others are green. (while)

3. The ship could not move. There was no wind. (since) 4. Surfing is fun. It can be dangerous. (though)

5. You should stay away from bears. They are dangerous. (because)

6. Deer are cute. They eat all your flowers. (although) 7. She's small. She's very strong. (although) 8. John is short. Mary is tall. (whereas)

9. I was often late. I lost my job. (because) 10. I have no money, I can't go to the movies. (since)

Bài tập 9: Change the statements with if into one with unless and vice versa. (Chuyển những câu chứa if sang câu chứa unless và ngược lại)

1. John might go to London unless it cost too much.



2. Nam will never know where you live if you don't

tell him.

3. I am going to Paris unless I get a good job here.

4. I can't buy any new shoes if you don't give me any


5. Joe will take a bus unless he has a date.

6. I can't work these algebra problems if you don't help me.

7. John will go swimming if the sun comes out.

8. John will call Mary if he has time.

9. I won't study unless he has to.

10. I like to go swimming if the water is warm enough. 11. I'll go to the movies if I finish my homework.

Bài tập 10: Make new sentences using because or although.

(Viết lại câu, dùng because hay although)

1. John went swimming yesterday. The weather was nice. 2. Mary stayed at home yesterday. She had a headache. 3. Mr. Miller worked hard. It was very hot.

4. John completed the course. It was difficult.

5. Everyone likes John. He is very friendly.

6. Joe can't go home for two years. He is very homesick. 7. Nam is studying English here. His father wants him to. 8. Nam wrote to the university. It was difficult to him. 9. John helped Mary write her letter. It is very easy

for him.



10. Susan drove from New York to Califonia. Her car was very old.

11. Mary feeds her cat the best cat food. It is very


12. Mr. and Mrs. Miller want to sell their furniture. They are moving to New York.

13 Lan is going to Florida. She wants to visit her sister.

Bài tập 11: Make the statements with a similar meaning, using so... that. (Viết lại câu với so that).

1. Bob is very sick. He can't go to the class.

2. My chair is very hard. I can't sit comfortably.

3. Mr. Smith is very tired. He won't stay up late tonight. 4. The movie was very interesting. Susan saw it twice. 5. John's car is very old. He can't sell it.

6. Mrs. Talor is very pleasant. Everyone likes her.

7. Some of the students were very sleepy. They fell asleep during the movie.

8. The new car was very expensive. John couldn't buy it. 9. The ceiling is very high. Lan can't reach it.

10. Mr. John is very lazy. He won't work.

11. Mrs. Talor talks very fast. I can't understand her.

12. The students practised in the lab very often. Their pronounciation improved a lot.

13. John pressed his pencil very hard. The lead broke.

14. Lan drove her car very fast. She received a ticket for speeding.



Bài tập 1

1. We know him and his friends.

2. The coat was soft and warm.


3. You must tell him where you are going and when you

will be back.

4. He was the best in our class at maths and English and

was the best footballer in our class.

5. He is very fond of music and reading.

6. It is very stupid and unnecessary to do that.

7. I told him to come at three and bring his friend

with him.

8. These books are too long and too difficult.

9. I want to visit Cuba and Japan.

10. He is very good at football and basketball and always

does his work very well.

11. Mary is interested in reading books and listening to


12. The fur coat is soft and warm.

13. I met Jane and her husband.

14. The boss and his secretary are flying to Paris.

15. We sang and danced all night.



16. It was cold and wet.

17. He is an actor and a director.

18. He acts and directs well.

Bài tập 2

1. John can speak English, and Mary can too. 2. He has to learn Spanish, and she does too. 3. He is studying it now, and she is too.

4. He studied French last year, and she did too.

5. He is taking a course in French now, and she is too. 6. He is going to study French tonight, and she is too. 7. He studies every night, and she does too.

8. He will have an exam tomorrow, and she will too. 9. He has to take the exam, and she does too.

10. He should study for it tonight, and she should too. 11. He might pass the exam, and she might too. 12. He passed the last exam, and she did too.

13. He must be a good student, and she must too.

14. Examinations are necessary, and homework is too.

15. John and Mary have to do a lot of homework, and we

do too.

16. They had to study last night, and we did too.

17. John can play the piano, and Alice can too.

18. George wrote a letter, and Paul did too.

19. Paul is a student, and Mary is too.

20. Helen is going to play tennis, and Alice is too.

Bài tập 3

1. I want to go but he wanted to stay.


2. I was very tired but I determined to walk on to the next village.

3. Geography is a very important and interesting subject but very few people, study it thoroughly.

4. The sun is shining and there are very clouds but I am sure it is going to rain.

5. Your arguments are strong but they do not convince me.

6. I remember her clearly but I can't remember her name. 7. This shirt costs 10 dollar but that one over there cost only 7 dollar.

8. You can cross the river on that fallen tree but be careful not to slip.

9. I tried to persuade her but she would insist on leaving home at once.

10. The pain was bad but he did not complain.

11. Some reported that work was making great progress but others said that it was worse than ever.

12. It looks as if it were going to rain but he does not bring any waterproof with him.

Bài tập 4

1. John is a student, but Mr. Hill isn't.

2. Peter can play the piano, but Mary can't. 3. John is tired, but George isn't.

4. Alan won't go, but Ken will.

5. John lives in the city, but George doesn't.

6. Mr Smith wasn't happy yesterday, but Mrs Smith was. 7. John isn't going to have a cup of coffee. but George is. 8. John bought a new radio, but George didn't.


9. John didn't know the answer, but George did.

10. John watched television last night, but George didn't.

11. John should eat more for breakfast, but George


12. John doesn't like hot dogs, but George does.

13. Paul doesn't study very much, but he should.

14. Paul watches television every evening, but he


15. Paul shouldn't go to the movies tonight, but he might.

Bài tập 5

1. The husband looks out his window one sunny

morning and he sees a unicorn in the garden.

2. He tells his wife about the unicorn but she doesn't

believe him.

3. The husband speaks politely but the wife answers very


4. The husband leaves and the wife calls the police and a


5. She is very excited and she wants to get rid of her


6. The police and the psychiatrist arrive and they ask

some questions.

7. They ask the husband about the unicorn but he denies

everything about this mythical animal.

8. They take the wife away and they think she is

cazy person.


9. I really enjoy "The Unicorn in the Garden" but the ending is so ironical.

10. I was expecting the police and the psychiatrist to take the man away but they end up taking the wife away instead.

11. I also like the ending because the rude wife doesn't succeed in her plan to get rid of her husband.

12. He's polite but she's rude.

13. She gets what she deserves and he lives happily ever after.

Bài tập 6

1. 1 (d). But for the enthusiasm of the teachers, the school play would never have been performed.

2. 2+(a). But for the encouragement of his family, he would never have become a writer.

3. 3 (c). But for the tremendous energy of the two reporters, the story would probably not have come to light.

4. 4+ (e). But for the party financial support of British people living abroad, the party would not have been able to mount such a successful election campaign. 5. 5+ (b). But for the millions of dollars' worth of aid of governments around the world, most people in the country would have starved to death.

Bài tập 7

1. It is about 7 miles or 8 miles from here.

2. He will be here at 5 or 6.

3. You or he is not to blame.


4. You will have to go now or you will miss the train.

5. You must fasten the boat to that pole or the current

will carry it away.

6. You can go there by bus or by train.

7. The climate of this region is not too hot in Summer or

not too cold in Winter.

8. He has had nothing to eat or drink for several days.

9. The office is shut from 11 to 2. You must come before

11 or come after 2.

10. My answer or yours is wrong.

Bài tập 8

1. So have I.

2. Neither/Nor does Steve.

3. So did Joe.

4. So are we .

5. So would I.

6. Nor/Neither has Paul.

7. Nor/Neither will I.

8. So could Fiona.

9. Nor/Neither was I.

10. So should you.

Bài tập 9

1. Both Greg and Liz like surfing.

Or Greg and Liz both like surfing.

2. Neither the house nor the garden was attractive.

3. Both the food and the service were terrible.

Or The food and the service were both terrible.

4. Both Angle and Lucy played the piano.


Or Angle and Lucy both played the piano.

5. Neither Jessica nor Chloe was at home.

6. Neither his family nor his friends knew about his accident.

7. Both Eagles and Wolves hunt small animals. Or Eagles and Wolves both hunt small animals. 8. Both the film and the book are very funny.

Or The film and the book are both very funny. 9. Neither the beach nor the shops are far away. 10. Both Japan and California have a lot of earthquakes. Or Japan and California both have a lot of earthquakes.

Bài tập 10

1. John isn't a teacher, and Mary isn't either.

2. Paul can't play the violin, and Alice can't either.

3. Helen doesn't play baseball, and Alice doesn't either.

4. Alice isn't going to eat in restaurant, and Helen isn't either.

5. Paul wasn't hungry, and George wasn't either.

6. Mr. Smith didn't forget the address, and Miss Ford didn't either.

7. Homework isn't always easy, and examinations aren't either.

8. George doesn't sing well, and Paul doesn't either.

9. George didn't play tennis yesterday, and Paul didn't




10. Peter might not be here tomorrow, and Mary might not either.

11. Mr Carton isn't always early, and Mrs Carton isn't either.

12. My brother doesn't drink beer, and my father doesn't either.

13. George wasn't at the movie yesterday, and Paul wasn't either.

14. Alice might not go to the movie tonight, and Mary might not either.

15. Alice isn't going to be late, and Mary isn't either.

16. Mr. Smith doesn't like cigarette smoke, and Mr Ken doesn't either.

17. Alice wasn't very busy yesterday, and Mary wasn't either.

Bài tập 11

1. George read a good book last night, and Alice did too.

2. George isn't hungry, and Alice isn't either.

3. Peter isn't studying, and Mary isn't either.

4. He can play the piano, and she can too.

5. George can't go to the party tonight, and Alice can't either.

6. Mr Bin isn't tired now, and John isn't either.

7. Bob and Alice will be here tomorrow, and we will too.

8. They don't have to come, and we don't either. 9. John should write home, and Mary should too. 10. John studies every day, and Mary does too.



11. We shouldn't arrive late, and the teacher shouldn't


12. We have to arrive on time, and he does too.

13. We don't have to arrive early, and he doesn't either. 14. John arrived late yesterday, and his friend did too. 15. John is going to visit Canada, and George is too. 16. My shoes were expensive, and my suit was too. 17. They won't go to the store, and I won't either. 18. Mr. Hill plays volleyball very well, and Mr. Smith does too.

Bài tập 12

1. He can go to the party, and his friends can too. 2. He doesn't wear a hat, and his friends don't either. 3. Mary arrived early, but her friends didn't.

4. John was here yesterday, and Paul was too.

5. They weren't in Chicago, but Mary was.

6. They should come to class every day, and she should


7. They shouldn't miss class, and she shouldn't either.

8. They have to take an exam, and she has too.

9. Mary can't go to the dance tomorrow night, but John


10. John didn't go to Mexico last summer, but Bob did. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will come to the party, and their children will too.

12. Mr. and Mrs. Smith might not come, and their friends might not either.



13. Uruguay isn't a very big country, but Brazil is.

14. Paul and George never go to the movies, but John does.

15. Mary frequently goes to the movies, and John does


16. Bob often sees John, but we don't.

Bài tập 13

1. neither...nor

2. either...or

4. otherwise/ or

3. or

5. either, or, or

6. whether

7. whether

8. whether

9. or

Bài tập 14

1. The examination was very stiff, so very few were able

to pass.

2. I was feeling very tired, so I went to bed when I got home.

3. There was no one there, so I went away.

4. He was very young and had no experience of that type of work, so he was not given the post.

5. It was raining hard, so I stayed at home.

6. It was very late, so I decided to stay there for the night. 7. He has done very good work for the company, so he deserves great praise.

8. He was born in London, so he speaks English like a native.


9. Every time I went to see him, he seemed to be busy, so

I decided to send him a letter to explain what I wanted.

10. Singapore lies very near to the equator, so the weather

is very hot all the year round.

Bài tập 15

1. She was very tired, so she went to bed.

2. He hasn't done any work, therefore I don't think he i

pass the exam.

3. It was raining, thus we decided not to go out.

4. Sunday is a public holiday, consequently we're going

to spend the weekend in the mountains.

5. You haven't seen the cathedral yet, so I'll take you

there on Sunday.

6. The singer was ill, thus the concert was cancelled.

7. The earth is getting warm, therefore the climate is


8. My car is broken down, hence I can't use it.

9. The driver fell asleep, so the bus crashed.

10. Romeo thought Juliet was dead, thus he committed




Phần 1. Từ nối phụ thuộc giới thiệu

Bài tập 1:

mệnh đề danh từ

2. what

1. where

3. when

4. how

5. whether/if

6. that

7. that

8. whether

9. how

10. when

11. whether

12. when

13. where

14. that

15. how

16. how

17. what

19. what

21. where

18. what

20. why 22. how

24. that what

23. when

25. whether

26. what

27. that

28. when

29. why

31. if/whether

33. how

34. why

30. what

32. whether

35. where

37. how

39. how

36. when

38. what

40. who



Bài tập 2:

1. That he will come is certain.

(That he will come - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ). 2. How he manages to do it is more than I can tell. (How he manages to do it - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ). 3. It's necessary that all should be checked.

(It's necessary that all - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ).

4. The question is whether he is able to do it without your help.

(whether he is able to do it without your help - Mệnh đề danh từ bổ ngữ).

5. We have received no news as yet of when he will leave.

(when he will leave - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

6. Can you tell me what time it is?

(what time it is - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

7. He only laughed at what we said.

( what we said - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

8. What surprised me was that he could finish his work in so short a time.

(What surprised me - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ).

9. The news that he was killed in front of that building is

not true.

(that he was killed in front of that building - Mệnh đề danh từ đồng vị ngữ).

10. It's impossible that he should make a mistake like that. (It's impossible that - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ).



11. When I go depends on when the train leaves. (When I go - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ). (when the train leaves - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ). 12. What's done is done.

(What's done - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ). 13. We are convinced that peace will triump.

(that peace will triump - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ). 14. I should like to know whether it can be done today. (whether it can be done today - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

15. They were delighted with what they saw at the picture gallery.

(what they saw at the picture gallery - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

16. She is very glad that you have passed your examination.

(She is very glad that - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ). 17. What you are attempting is really difficult for you. (What you are attempting - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ). 18. We were greatly amused by what you told us.

(what you told us - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

19. The notion that people can work less and earn more is contrary to reason.

(The notion that people can work less and earn more - Mệnh đề danh từ đồng vị ngữ).

20: Mary don't know how the machine works.

(how the machine works - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).



21. What they have to do is following her instruction. (What they have to do- Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ). 22. They do not realize how we do it.

(how we do it - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

23. My boyfriend asked me if we enjoy listening to music. (if we enjoy listening to music - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

24. Have they done what their teacher told them to do? (what their teacher told them to do - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

25. I don't know whether it is black or blue.

(whether it is black or blue - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

26. The child told me how we can play with his toy.

(how we can play with his toy - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ). 27. The news that he failed the exam is unreliable.

(that he failed the exam - Mệnh đề danh từ đồng vị ngữ). 28. I can't understand what he means.

(what he means - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ). 29. Where she go is not mentioned.

(Where she goes - Mệnh đề danh từ chủ ngữ).

30. I wonder where my teacher comes from.

(where my teacher comes from - Mệnh đề danh từ tân ngữ).

Bài tập 3:

1. whether 3. when

2. when

4. when



5. whether/if

7. when

9. where

6. whether 8. that

10. when

 12. whether

14. where

11. what

13. that

15. that

16. what

17. how

18. what

19. where

20. what

Bài tập 4:

1. What he did it is mystery.

(what -> when)

2. I wonder who he pays me back.

(who -> when)

3. When matters most is good knowledge.

(when -> what)

4. If made him do that.

(if -> what)

5. When I met Tien first is near my cousin's house.

(when -> where)

6. I don't know why the writer's name is.

(why -> what)

7. The part of the airport you walk through where you arrive or depart is terminal building.

(where -> when)

8. I don't know what to solve this problem.

(what -> how)


9. Wherever you get your luggage after you land is baggage claim.

(wherever -> where)

10. What stole my car will be punished.

(what -> who)

11. He has received no news as yet of how her parents leave for Paris.

(how -> when)

12. It's unknown that he filled the form or not.

(that -> whether)

13. Do you know that "Tiamo" means.

(that -> what)

14. The reason how he was killed is kept secret.

(how -> why)

15. Use the browse if you are not sure wherever to find something on the Web.

(wherever -> where)

16. The operator asks me what much money I have to pay

every month.

(what -> how)

17. I don't know whom the bag belongs to.

(whom -> who)

18. The teacher lets me know that many daily national newspaper she reads.

(that -> how)

19. Whom watches a play at the theatre is audience.

(whom -> who)



20. She asked what I had any letter for her.

(what -> whether/if)

21. A sale forecast is when you think you are going to

sell during a future period.

(when -> what)

22. This is what she spends her money.

(what -> how)

23. That book will show you why to use new words and

phrase in


context and emphasize


(why -> how)

24. The directors have not decided whom they will recommend a dividend or reinvest the profits.

(whom -> whether)

25. I never know whatever he'll do or say next.

(whatever -> what)

26. We'll have to pay the same for the hotel room why

we leave today or not.

(why -> whether)

27. I want to know who you said that.

(who -> why)

28. "Challenge and Fun" provides a comprehensive answer key with helpful hints what terms are used.

(what -> how)

29. I don't know what you are so strict with me.

(what -> why)

30. I have no interested in that he said.

(that -> what)



Bài tập 5:

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. D

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. D

10. A

11. B

12. D

13. C

14. B

15. A

16. B

17. A

18. D

19. C

20. D

21. A

22. C

23. D

24. D

25. C

26. A

27. B

28. C

29. C

30. A

31. B

32. C

33. D

34. B

35. C

36. A

37. B

38. C

39. A

40. D



Phần 2. Từ nối phụ thuộc giới thiệu

Bài tập 1

mệnh đề trạng ngữ

1. He killed the men who helped him to bury the treasure so that nobody would know where it was.

2. Put the cork back in case someone knocks the bottle


3. The airfield authorities have put lights over the damaged runway so that repair worker may continue day and night.

4. The girl packed the vase in polyester foam so that it wouldn't get broken in the post.

5. He wore a false beard so that he wouldn't be recognised.

6. She built a high wall round her garden so that her fruit wouldn't be stolen.

7. They talked in whispers so that I wouldn't overhear. 8. You ought to take some serum with you in case you get bitten by a snake..

9. Aeroplanes carry parachutes so that the crew can escape in case of fire.

10. I am insuring my life so that my children will have something to live on if I am killed.

11. Please shut the gate so that the cows won't get out of the field.



12. He telephoned from a public call-box so that the call

wouldn't be traced to his own address.

13. I am putting nets over my strawberry plants so that the birds won't eat all the strawberries.

14. We keep a spade in the house in case there is a heavy fall of snow in the night.

15. We put bars on the lower windows so that nobody can climb in.

16. You should carry a jack in your car in case you have a puncture.

17. We built the roof with a steep lope so that the snow would slide off easily.

18. The notices are written in several languages so that

everyone may understand them.

19. I put my address on my dog's collar so that anyone

who finds him may know where he comes from.

20. She tied a bell round her cat's neck so that the birds would know when he was approaching.

21. Bring your gun with you in case we are attacked. 22. I have put wire over my chimney- pots so that the birds won't build nests in them.

23. Write your name in the book in case he forgets who lent it for him.

24. He

chained up the lioness at night so that she wouldn't frighten anyone.

25. Don't put on any more coal in case the chimney

catches fire.


26. The burglar cut the telephone wires so that I wouldn't call the police.

27. Take a torch with you in case it is dark before you get


28. The manufacturers have made up the taps of their new gas cooker very stiff so that young children won't be able to turn them on.

29. Don't let the baby play with my glasses in case he breaks them.

30. The debate on education has been postponed so that

the government can discuss the latest crisis.

31. If someone knocks at the door at night, don't open it in case it is the escaped convict.

32. The policeman stopped the traffic every few minutes so that the pedestrians might across the road.

33. He had a telephone installed in his car so that his secretary could able contact him whenever


34. Never let children play with matches in case they set themselves on fire.

35. As he went through the forest, Bill marked the trees so that the rest of the party know which way we had gone.

36. Turn down the oven so that the meat won't burn while

we are out.

Bài tập 2

1. I will do it although it may be difficult.

2. I will come although it will be late.



3. The patient will recover although he may not be able to live a very active life.

4. Although he came as soon as he could, it was not in time.

5. Although I am poor, I am honest.

Bài tập 3

1. If you do not boild the water, the tea.....

2. If you do not telephone......

3. If you do not stop.....

4. If you do not write....

5. If the tooth is not painful....

Bài tập 4

1. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian 2. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ (chỉ) nơi chốn 3. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ so sánh

4. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ (chỉ) ý nhượng bộ 5. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ (chỉ) ý nhượng bộ 6. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ nguyên nhân 7. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian 8. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ điều kiện 9. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ nguyên nhân 10. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ so sánh 11. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ so sánh 12. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ kết quả 13. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ nguyên nhân 14. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ điều kiện 15. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ (chỉ) nơi chốn



Bài tập 5

1. Although Kenneth is often very naughty and rude, his mother loves him very much.

2. The radio doesn't work properly because some of the parts are missing.

3. After Anand took the parcel to the office, he rerurned home.

4. Since it was raining heavily, we had to cancel the ship. to Sentosa.

5. The robber tied Mrs Liu up so that she could not run


6. If Gongyun dislikes the idea, she can suggest another one.

7. Samuel arrived late at the party because his car stalled on the way there.

8. Although Mr Fu has lost all his money, he is still happy and contented.

9. I jog three times a week in order that I can stay healthy.

10. Wherever we go on holiday, she never likes it.

11. However hard Mr Mike tries, he cannot pass the driving test.

12. I am going to buy a computer even though I haven't got much money.

13. They were so hurry that they forgot many things when packing their luggage.



14. His problems won't be solved unless he succeeds in obtaining a loan from the bank.

15. I love chocolates so much that I'll just have one although I am on a diet.

16. He wore fasle beard so that everybody couldn't recognise him.

17. When the people on the bridge saw the two men with the ass, they began to run after them and to laugh, too. 18. You can go out provided you have finished your homework.

19. I whispered in order that nobody could hear our conversation.

20. I haven't enjoyed myself so much since many years. 21. He speaks so slowly that his students get bored.

22. He kept making angry comments while he was reading the radio news.

Bài tập 6

1. The Harrisons were having a party, because their daughter was getting engaged.

2. Marie could not walk in the rain, since her clothes were not suitable.

3. Marie hid under a blanket, so that noone could see her. 4. Marie could not sleep, as the knocking continued all




Bài tập 7

1. A- although

3. A whereas

5. A because

2. B-because

4. B- while

6. B- since

7. B- even though



Bài tập 8

1. As it was raining, I took my umbrella.

2. Some apples are red while others are green.

3. Since there was no wind, the ship could not move.

4. Though surfing is fun, it can be dangerous.

5. You should stay away from bears, because they are dangerous.

6. Deer are cute, although they eat all your flowers.

7. Although she's small, she's very strong.

8. John is short, whereas Mary is tall.

9. I lost my job because I was often late.

10. Since I have no money, I can't go to the movies.

Bài tập 9

1. John might go to London if it didn't cost too much. 2. Nam will never know where you live unless you him.


3. I am going to Paris if I don't get a good job here. 4. I can't buy any new shoes unless you give me money. 5. Joe will take a bus if he doesn't have a date.

6. I can't work these algebra problems unless you help


7. John won't go swimming unless the sun comes out.


8. John won't call Mary unless he has time.

9. I will study if he has to.

10. I don't like to go swimming unless the water is warm enough.

11. I won't go to the movies unless I finish my homework. Bài tập 10

1. John went swimming yesterday because the weather was nice.

2. Mary stayed at home yesterday because she had a headache.

3. Mr. Miller worked hard although it was very hot. 4. John completed the course although it was difficult. 5. Everyone likes John because he is very friendly.

6. Joe can't go home for two years although he is very homesick.

7. Nam is studying English here because his father wants him to.

8. Nam wrote to the university although it was difficult to him.

9. John helped Mary write her letter because it is very easy for him.

10. Susan drove from New York to California although her car was very old.

11. Mary feeds her cat the best cat food although it is very expensive.

12. Mr. and Mrs. Miller want to sell their furniture because they are moving to New York.



13. Lan is going to Florida because she wants to visit her sister.

Bài tập 11

1. Bob is so sick that he can't go to the class.

2. My chair is so hard that I can't sit comfortably.

3. Mr. Smith is so tired that he won't stay up late tonight. 4. The movie was so interesting that Susan saw it twice. 5. John's car is so old that he can't sell it.

6. Mrs. Talor is so pleasant that everyone likes her.

7. Some of the students were so sleepy that they fell asleep during the movie.

8. The new car was so expensive that John couldn't buy it.

9. The ceiling is so high that Lan can't reach it.

10. Mr. John is so lazy that he won't work.

11. Mrs. Talor talks so fast that I can't understand her.

12. The students practised in the lab so often that their pronounciation improved a lot.

13. John pressed his pencil so hard that the lead broke.

14. Lan drove her car so fast that she received a ticket for





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