Bài tập về Từ nối Phụ thuộc


Bài tập 1: Fill in the proper subordonate conjunctions

in the blank in the following sentences. (Điền liên từ phụ

thuộc thích hợp vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau).

1. I don't know....... she lives.

2. I can't hear ......... he said.

3. Do you know....... she arrives.

4. She doesn't know.......old she is.

5. I wonder he needs help.

6. I think


he is a good actor.

7. He said........he would help me.

8. It's unknown........ it is caused by rain or wind.

9. He saw no idea of ......... it should be done.


10. We saw several plays ..... ... we were in New York.

11. I don't know.......... it is true or not.

12. Please call me ......... he comes.

13. Let's go........... your friend goes.

14. I hope .......... we will find a double room in this hotel.

15. Tell me.......... long I'll have to wait.

16. She wonders ......... this disease is prevented.

17............ you are doing seems very difficult.

18. You haven't told me road leads to the station.

19. I can't understand......... he means.

20. Can you tell me......... this suitcase is so heavy?

21. We don't know...... he has gone.

22. Show me....... this machine works.

23. I'm not sure........ the train leaves.

......... to do.

24. It seemed............ he didn't know.........

25. It's doubtful


26. I have no interest in

27. It's strange

28. Tell me

29. I can't imagine


he came on Friday or on


he says.

he didn't come at all.

you'll be back.

you so cross with me.

30........... you have just said is quite wrong.

31. I don't know.......... he has done it yet.

32. The question is......... she is married to Harry or not.

33. Computer literate is a person who have experience

working with computer and know ...... to use them.

34. Could you give me the reason

35. come to class yesterday.

you didn't

you can store luggage in the plane is overhead


36. We have to know........... the plane lands.

37. This is.......... she spends her time.

38...........a company produces are products.

39. Mr Quang Tien explains to me about........ to correct

this answer.

40. Have you ever known......... the well-known

composer is in the world?

Bài tập 2: Find noun clauses and analyse the function of those clauses in the following sentences. (Tìm các mệnh đề danh từ và phân tích chức năng của các mệnh đề trong các câu sau).

1. That he will come is certain.

2. How he manages to do it is more than I can tell.

3. It's necessary that all should be checked.

4. The question is whether he is able to do it without your help.

5. We have received no news as yet of when he will leave.

6. Can you tell me what time it is?

7. He only laughed at what we said.

8. What surprised me was that he could finish his work in so short a time.

9. The news that he was killed in front of that building is not true.

10. It's impossible that he should make a mistake like that.

11. When I go depends on when the train leaves.

12. What's done is done.

13. We are convinced that peace will triump.

14. I should like to know whether it can be done today.

15. They were delighted with what they saw at the picture gallery.

16. She is very glad that you have passed your examination.

17. What you are attempting is really difficult for you.

18. We were greatly amused by what you told us.

19. The notion that people can work less and earn more is contrary to reason.

20. Mary don't know how the machine works.

21. What they have to do is following her instruction.

22. They do not realize how we do it.

23. My boyfriend asked me if we enjoy listening to music.

24. Have they done what their teacher told them to do?

25. I don't know whether it is black or blue.

26. The child told me how we can play with his toy.

27. The news that he failed the exam is unreliable.

28. I can't understand what he means.

29. Where she goes is not mentioned.

30. I wonder where my teacher comes from.

Bài tập 3: Insert "if", "what", "that", "whether", "when", "who", "how", "where"... as needed. (Diền "if", "what", "that", "whether", "when", "who", "how", "where"....nếu cần).

1. I don't know...... it's black or navy blue.

2. In the evening the sun is low, the valley is full of strange shaddows.

3.I smell honey suckle, I am reminded of my children.

4.I die, my nephew Tom Smith will inherit this house.

5. I don't care ....... you are in charge here! You have no right to give such an order!

6. you like it or not, it's an order and must be obeyed.

7. I will mend it I can but it may be beyond my skill.

8. I hope ....... it will be better.

9.Can you show me the nearest place... we can stop.


10. I arrived at the football field, the game had

11. She asked me ..... I wanted of her.

12. The question is

13. It's important


Tien will arrive or not.

you should learn foreign

14. I'm standing the battle has occured.

15. Tell me the exact address........... I make no mistakes.

16. Tina doesn't understand.......... he means.

17. She don't realize............ we solve it.

18. Bill asked me........... country I come from.

19. Do you know......... the ticket office is.

20. I wonder I should do with my heavy luggage.

Bài tập 4: There is only one mistake in each following sentence. Find and correct them. Hint: Mistake relating to subordinating conjunction. (Mỗi câu dưới đây có một lỗi sai. (Tìm và sửa lại cho đúng). (Gợi ý: Lỗi sai liên quan đến liên từ phụ thuộc).

1. What he did it is mystery.

2. I wonder who he pays me back.

3. When matters most is good knowledge.

4. If made him do that.

5. When I met Tien first is near my cousin's house.

6. I don't know why the writer's name is.

7. The part of the airport you walk through where you arrive or depart is terminal building.

8. I don't know what to solve this problem.

9. Wherever you get your luggage after you land is baggage claim.

10. What stole my car will be punished.

11. He has received no news as yet of how her parents leave for Paris.

12. It's unknown that he filled the form or not.

13. Do you know that "Tiamo" means.

14. The reason how he was killed is kept secret.

15. Use the browse if you are not sure wherever to find something on the Web.

16. The operator asks me what much money I have to pay every month.

17. I don't know whom the bag belongs to.

18. The teacher lets me know that many daily national newspaper she reads.

19. Whom watches a play at the theatre is audience.

20. She asked what I had any letter for her.

21. A sale forecast is when you think you are going to sell during a future period.

22. This is what she spends her money.

23. That book will show you why to use new words and phrase in context and emphasize collocations.


24. The directors have not decided whom they will recommend a dividend or reinvest the profits.

25. I never know whatever he'll do or say next.

26. We'll have to pay the same for the hotel room why we leave today or not.

27. I want to know who you said that.

28. "Challenge and Fun" provides a comprehensive answer key with helpful hints what terms are used.

29. I don't know what you are so strict with me.

30. I have no interested in that he said.

Bài tập 5: Choose the correct answer for these sentences below. (Chọn đáp án đúng cho những câu dưới đây).

1. Do you know

A. Where

C. That

2. Can you tell me

A. How Tien lives?

B. What

D. How time it is?

B. When

D. Why

C. What

the entrance exam should be abandoned

remains controversial.


A. How

C. Who

4. I don't know

B. If

D. Whether

you are so strict with me.

- All I've done are good for you.

A. That


C. How

B. Who

D. Why

............ matters most is good health.

A. Whether

B. What

C. If

D. That

6. She asks me

I like playing tennis.

A. O

B. If

people kept their food fresh a

C. What

7. I don't know

long time ago.

A. How

C. What

D. When

B. When

D. That


8. It's very important

down their answers.

everyone should write

A. How

B. Which

C. That

D. Why

9. I can't understand

the teacher is talking


A. O

B. That

C. If

D. What

10. Could you show me ........... the police station is?

- It's on the left of Tran Hung Dao street.

A. Where

B. What.

C. Wherever

D. O

11. My mother is very glad

entrance university exam.

A. How

C. Why

I have passed the

B. That

D. When

12. My elder brother guided me


A. Where

C. Who

B. When

D. How

13.......... teaches me English is Canadian.

A. Whom

C. Who

B. What

D. Which

to use that

14. He doesn't care .......... I want to travel by train or


A. What

C. Which

B. Whether

D. How




A. When

C. That

the live concert starts hasn't been

B. What

D. Who

16. Would you kindly tell me ....... the powder room


A. That

C. How

B. Where

D. What

17. My friend's mother was lecturing him on ....... neat

and tidy he should be for his new bride.

A. How


18. I don't know

A. Who

B. That

D. O

you say so.

B. When

D. Why

C. That

19. "You don't know..... I am", the driver said, "I'm


Chairman of the


A. Whether

C. Who

of Coutry


B. Where

D. That

wrote "The Tales of Two

20. I have forgotten


A. Whom

C. That

B. Which

D. Who

21. I ask him.........

A. Whether

C. How

he had done it all himself.

B. What

D. That


22. Every time I went to see Tien, he seemed to be busy

I decided to send him a letter to explain ......... I


A. Why

C. What

23. She didn't know

A. Where

C. Whether

24. It's possible

A. If

C. How

25. I wonder

A. Whom

C. Who

26. Nobody knows

A. What

C. When

27. Call me

A. Where

C. That

B. That

D. When

we should write or phone.

B. If

D. Both B and C

she hasn't received the letter.

B. What

D. That

the letter was from?

B. What

D. How

.will happen next.

B. Where

D. That

you've finished.

B. When

D. Who

28. I spent....... little time I had with my family.

A. When

C. What

B. Whom

29. My friend doesn't know

back from holiday.

A. Where

C. When

D. How

.... his parents will get

B. What

D. That


30. That house...... I live.

A. Where

C. How

B. That

D. When

31. I can't understand........... he became so angry with


A. What

C. When

B. Why

C. O

32. Sit......

..I can see you.

A. When de

B. That

C. Where

D. Both A and B

33. When he heard the terrible noise, he ask me

was going on.

A. That

C. O

B. How

D. What


you live is near my grandfather's house.

A. O

B. Where

C. Both B and D

D. That

he did it carelessly.

35. Can you tell me

A. That

C. Why

B. Where

D. O

36. That is..

you're wrong.

A. Where

B. What

D. O

C. Both A and B


doubt it.

A. How

C. Where

John says may be true but I very much

B. What

D. That


38. Can you tell me.......... is responsible for checking

the passport?

A. Whom

B. If

C. Who

D. Whether

39. No one knows.........

the cause of the explosion


A. What

B. When

C. O

D. Both A and B

40. It's a great pity the exhibition was cancelled at the last minute after all your work.

A. How

B. When

C. Whom

D. That


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